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The Women Belief in Little Women book illustrated by Lucy Corvino


Little Women is sterling children’s books retold from the Louisa May Alcott and original by Deanna McFadden and illustrated by Lucy Corvino. This book was post in March 1, 2005. Lucy Corvino and Daenna Mcfadden is author Little Women Book. This Genre book is Juvenile Fiction and Sub-Genre is History this book language is English. This category book is classic , literature , and juvenile.

This book teach us about the power of love along the way and learn about life , and learn about friendship. And we can apply it in real life.

Lucy Corvino have an opinion about her book and he argues this book have a magic and excitement that made the original story a beloved favorite. And Lucy Corvino friends represent this book have good influence to young reader because can make their understanding themselves in the context of their families and social environments.

Louisa May Alcott was born 29 November 1832 at Germantown , Pennsylavania , U.S. and she was died in 6 March, 1888 when her age is 55 years old in Boston, Masssachusetts, U.S. And her occupation is Novelist in American Civil War period. When he adult she is very success in Literary , she began writing for the Atlantic Monthly when American Civil War happened.

This book tell about beautiful family or March Sister , they may not have much but they have each other to help each other when they getting big problem in their life but with the power of love they still fervent.

And the solution is with the power of love and still be patient. This book have a good react from the reader , Arthur Pober, EdD one of the all reader who have a good respond with this book. He argues this book very recommended to the yound people and children they can getting beautiful message from this book and the reader can be understanding about themselves In the context of their families and social environments, and this book have a long chapter with dense language can easily become move and obscure the richness of the story and its character. And this book give young reader a sense of independence and the satisfaction of finishing a “ grown-up” book. And he appreciate literature’s classic tales in very personal engaging way.

This book distributed in Canada by Sterling Publishing by Canadian Manada Group and also distributed in United Kingdom by GMC Distribution Service and Distributed in Australia by Capricon Link ( Australia ). This book amazing successful launch of its children’s a classic novel ( 240, 000 books in print to date ), comes a brilliant new series Classic Starts. Classic Starts treats the world’s beloved tales ( and children ) with the respond they deserve.

I choose this book because this book teach me about life and I can apply the message to the real life and this book have a beautiful message in the real

life. The message from this book can make me how to control the feeling of my heart and open my mind that the power of love is the most important to handle problem or something happened in this life.

Based on the previous background of study , the researcher proposed the problem “The instinct of the life to maintain its existence in advance in Little Women book ( 2005 ) illustrated by Lucy Corvino “ based on psychoanalysis theory.

The object study in this research is to observe the issue and analyze the issue with psychoanalysis theory. And we take the message of life from the Little Women book.

“ When jo sells her hair to help pay for her mother’s visited her father to Washington”.

Global Objectives : ¨ To analysis the message from the text above.

¨ In the text above give a message about cooperation, the message is your family is the best team you could ever have.

¨ Family is anyone who loves you unconditionally. “ When you feel unhappy, count on you blessings and be grateful-for there are always

those in the world with less “ Mermee said.

Global Objectives :

¨ To hand over a detailed, bit by bit analysis of the event and the message from the sentence.

¨ To describe social environments of their family and to put about the information from the sentence.

Specific Objectives :

¨ The book explain that women give deep wisdom to her daughter. Identify family and the member of family have a stronger soul and peacefulness in their heart.

¨ And the message from tell about the family is center of all religious activity.

¨ Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.

“ it’s not fair that some girls have lots of pretty things, and other girls don’t have any at all, “ sniffed Amy , who at twelve was the youngest. “ But we’ve got a mother and father who love us very much, and we’ve always got each other”

Global Objectives :

¨ In this sentence I will analysis the note from the sentence. I will analysis the how can love give the big influence in their life.

Specific Objectives :

¨ This sentence give information that love have a big power and deep meaning in this life.

¨ The sentence above tell that home not how big house is, it’s how happy the home is.

¨ And tell that love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

¨ When love tell us we must be picky with your clothes , friends , time.

The author says of their March family “ all in all, they were happy girls who found comfort in one another, when the outside world was so dipointing”

This thesis explain theme of poverty and cooperation and love. And explain how everyday occupation with can be have as an arena where togetherness and belonging can be created. And provides ways people to take access and to be come part of an unfolding story where issue related to meaning making can be negotiated. Luxy Antony , 2013

I will use “ Psychoanalytic Theory “ this theory emphasize that early experience with parents extensively shapes developments. This characteristic is highlighted by Sigmund Freud as a major developmental theory.

And I guess the author in Little Women book, the author writing book with unconsciousness so that all emotions feeling are revealed in this book.

And I will take the issue about “ The Big Influence of Love is very wide in Real Life “ because Marmee always give motivation and avanage the complaints of his children in the bottom by love.

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